A Ruckus at the Back of your Bus

I just finished a powerful new book written by my friend, Pastor Bill Giovenetti. I highly recommend it. Here is my full review: How to Keep Your Inner Mess From Trashing Your Outer World Bill Giovanetti Monarch Books Every person has a cast of ugly characters riding in the back of their bus. If you’re…

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10 Things I’m Thankful for this Thanksgiving

1. I’m thankful for my life–given to me by God. Every breath is a blessing.  2. I’m thankful for my salvation, purchased for me on the Cross 2,000 years ago by Jesus Christ, secured forever by the Holy Spirit. This gives me the promise of eternal life in Heaven.  3. I’m thankful for my beautiful…

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The Swiss Courier

 I just finished a fantastic novel by my friend, Tricia Goyer. Here is my review:  "This is a time for war, not love," says Gabi Mueller, an unlike heroine in a time of war. Hitler’s crusade had encroached upon her village and so her courage, Christian faith, and competence led her into a cooperative role…

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Remembering on Veterans Day

The Bible says it like this: "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." – John 15:13. In other words, if you want to see real love in action, look at a man who gives himself for his friends. When I think of that verse, I think of…

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Its All About Christ

What do you believe exactly? I get that question a lot as I’m out and about in the community. People ask me what our church believes, what we teach, what we do. Most people, especially those who don’t attend church and don’t consider themselves too religious have a kind of vague notion as to what…

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How Do You Explain the Trinity?

 So  my job on Sunday is really easy. Explain the Trinity in a 40-minute sermon.  Actually, no, I won’t explain the Trinity, because the Trinity is unexplainable. But what we will do is explore the Trinity as we continue our series, Why We Believe What We Believe.  Why do we talk about the Trinity? Isn’t…

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The Bible Stands

 When I was a kid, we sang this song, "The Bible Stands." You can find the words to the song here. Its a simple song with profound theology.  This Sunday we’re talking about Why We Believe What We Believe About the Bible. I thoroughly enjoyed this study. Its a powerful study. What do we mean…

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Who Knew Doctrine Could be Fun?

Its Tuesday and I’m in the office doing the usual pastoral stuff–checking mail, following up with people from Sunday, catching up on church business, etc. But I’m still basking in the glow of a wonderful Sunday this week. As a pastor, I look forward to Sundays, I look forward to preaching, I look forward to…

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New Sermon Series

I’m very excited about a brand-new sermon series we’re calling "Why We Believe, What We Believe." It begins this Sunday, October 4th. This doesn’t mean we are done with John, its just that we’ll be done with John until sometime next year. John is an awesome study and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed preaching through it. We’ll…

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Personal Project Updates

 Its been a while since I updated everyone on some projects I am working on, so here we go: Crash Course, Forming a Faith Foundation for Life – This is my second teen devotional. Like Teen People of the Bible, it will be a 100-day devotional. Crash Course is geared for jr high and high-school…

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The Church Is Not Lame

I just finished a powerful, powerful book by Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck. I read a ton of books. Sometimes I read books that I can’t wait to recommend. This is one. I am a big fan of the church, amidst a growing evangelical culture that is pooh-poohing the church. Every other day there is…

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I Just Finished a Terrific Book

 The doorbell rang today and awaiting me was a beautiful new delivery of some books. One I had been anticipating for a while, by Kevin DeYoung, a thoughtful new voice in the evangelical world. The book is Just Do Something, A Liberating Approach to Finding God’s Will.  Its a short book, but one loaded with…

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