Some Thoughts on the Economic Meltdown
So, here we are in the midst of an economic meltdown. Depending on which overheated news anchor you watch, this meltdown is either catastropic, epic, and/or the greatest recession since the Great Depression. Either way, times are really tough right now. But what is so interesting is how the media and our culture is spinning…
Read MorePlay-Doh Wisdom
On Mondays at the Darling house, we try to "go dark." This just means that I have a day off and we try to spend time with the kids. Doesn’t always work because there are pressing needs at the church or a conference or meeting I have to attend. Pastoring is 24/7, I believe, so…
Read MoreQuotes on Who Jesus Is
I’m ready for my Sunday Sermon on John 5:17-24. Here are some quotes I’m using: I love this famous C.S. Lewis quote from Mere Christianity: "I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: “I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I…
Read MoreFired Up For Sunday
As I write this, I’m in the throes of Sunday’s message in John 5. This is the third of probably 5 sermons in this chapter. This week we come face to face with Jesus Christ’s bold claims. The fact is this: you can’t look at Jesus and be neutral. A theology that says Jesus is…
Read MoreLet’s Remember That We Are Christians
Over the last few days I’ve received a plethora of emails and forwarded emails about President Obama and his policies. They are from friends who are rightly concerned with the direction our country is taking. Like many Christians, I’m concerned about his policies. I’m troubled by the excessive spending and what it means for future…
Read MoreHang on a Second, Whoopi
Somehow I got suckered into viewing a small video clip of "The View," that famous forum for conversations centered around Biblical truth. I’m kidding. These women were discussing religion. Apparently the Vatican has released a list of new sins. Whoopi Goldberg started out by saying, "How can the Vatican decided what is a sin? How…
Read MoreDarwin and Lincoln and Faith
Today the world is celebrating two giants of history: Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln. There have been many great commentaries on both men. I’ll start with Darwin. If you want a convenient excuse to ignore the truth claims of Jesus and render the Bible as nothing more significant and factual than The Canterbury Tales, then…
Read MoreWrestling With the Text
I can’t believe how much I love preaching. I alwasy knew I wanted to be a pastor and I always enjoyed the few times I had to preach, but the opportunity and privelege it is to stand in front of God’s people and preach God’s Word–there is an unexplainable exhiliration and rush. Now I know…
Read MoreGifted Hands
One of my dearest friends is a man named Cecil Murphey. He has authored hundreds of Christian books, but until recently, was not really well known, because he has been a ghostwriter. I don’t know if anyone is more talented than Cec at telling someone else’s story. He has helped some of the world’s biggest…
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