Relationships and the Great Commission

This Sunday I preached from Romans 10, where Paul reminds us that we are the instruments God sovereignly uses to deliver the gospel news to the world. “How will they hear without a preacher” is motivation for every follower of Jesus to be that preacher. It doesn’t necessarily mean  only pastors and missionaries do the…

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Three Dangers of Simplistic Evangelistic Methods

If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, undoubtedly you’ve been exposed to one or more “proven” methods of sharing your faith. In my lifetime I’ve been exposed to a few of these. They have been helpful in narrowing down the message, helping me get more comfortable sharing the gospel, and summarizing the…

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Why Christians Are Not the Point of Easter

I’m studying for my Easter sermon. I have to be honest, sometimes I get intimidated by Easter sermons. It’s not that I don’t enjoy preaching about the pivot point of our faith: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s just that I know on Easter there are those people sitting and listening to my message that…

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Easter Meditation: What Am I Doing With Jesus?

I’m writing this as I’m meditating on the most beautiful moment in the history of the world. It is the moment when the risen Jesus says, “Mary.” Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows the names of his sheep. And Mary was a most earnest seeker of Jesus. She had a past to be ashamed of, baggage…

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R. Kent Hughes on the Incarnation

Ran across this powerful quote by R. Kent Hughes on the incarnation: As a real baby in the cradle he watched his tiny clenched fist in uncomprehending fascination, just like any other baby. He did not feign babyhood. He did not say to himself, “You all think I am a pre-articulate baby discovering I have…

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Rod Mattoon on the Sovereignty of God in Salvation

One of my favorite contemporary commentators is Pastor Rod Mattoon. His works are featured in Wordsearch Bible Software. Also on his website: Treasures from the Word. He’s a Baptist preacher in Springfield, IL and his commentaries are among the most well-researched, thorough and organized. He’s also a fabulous writer. Here is a gem from his…

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Undone by Jonah

I just finished my third message in a four-part series on the life of Jonah. I can’t say how much this little book had “undone” me. It began by reading Suprised by Grace by Tullian Tchivigian. I thought that perhaps I’d preach this because it had a powerful message for the Church, which it does.…

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Resources for Studying John

I’ve been preaching through the gospel of John at Gages Lake Bible Church for two, going on three years. I’m on chapter fifteen at the moment. I’ve been blessed with some incredibly helpful resources for study. I’m a guy who likes to dive in and really soak up what the text is saying.  I like…

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Christ’s Peace

James Boyce: The story has occasionally been told of a contest in which artists were to submit paintings and sculptures portraying their understanding of peace. Some showed beautiful sunsets, others pastoral scenery. But the prize went to an artist who had painted a bird in its nest, attached to a branch protruding from the edge…

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Love as a Fruit of the Spirit

There is nothing quite like sermon prep to really push you deep into a passage of Scripture. Like most Christians I’ve known and memorized and quoted and written Jesus words in John 13 to the disciples (and to us): A new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you.…

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Why Easter Matters in 2010

Here is a sneak preview of some of my message for Easter at Gages Lake Bible Church. A few caveats: 1) I don’t spell-check my messages 2) I don’t edit them nearly as heavily as my articles and books 3) I write my messages for speaking, so it won’t all make sense. Okay, here goes:…

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