
Growing up in Christianity, we’ve always had an uneasy relationship with Halloween. Our family never took the extreme position of declaring it totally off limits and “the devil’s holiday.” We typically handed out tracts and candy to kids who came by. On the other hand, my parents felt that “trick-or-treating” was something they’d rather not…

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Everyone Should Podcast

If you’re living in the 21st century, and you’re not constantly learning, its not because you can’t afford it, it’s because you’re choosing not too. Here is a big reason why: Podcasting. Everyone should podcast. What I mean is that everyone should redeem their iPhones and iPods and iPads for the Kingdom by utilizing one…

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Moving: The Way to Your Gifts

I’ve been thinking and speaking a lot of about God’s will, gifts, purpose, God’s calling, etc. And sometimes I think we just make too darn hard what God has made rather simple. Lot of Christians wrestle with questions like, What is it that God wants me to do with my life? How do I know…

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Kids These Days . . . .

In the last month or so, I’ve had a chance to speak to a few different groups of Christian teens, from Christian school kids, to home-schooled kids, to groups of youth group/public schooled Christian kids. I have to say that while the settings were vastly different, there is a theme that emerged for me that…

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Jesus Endorsement of My Prayer

I’m wrapping up my message for Sunday from John 16:23-28. This is a comfort given by Jesus as he is closing his time with the disciples in the Upper Room. Jesus had just unfolded a ton of truth–Holy Spirit, Heaven, Future, Fruit-bearing–all stuff we look back on and understand because we have the full revealed…

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To the Church: You Will Prevail – Eighth Letter Project

I submitted the following letter to The Eight Letter Project. It’s a letter to the North American Church: Dear Church in North America, I write to you at a time of severe duress, when many are beating you up. You’re the object of endless handwringing inside your walls. Much is being written and said about…

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Resources for Studying John

I’ve been preaching through the gospel of John at Gages Lake Bible Church for two, going on three years. I’m on chapter fifteen at the moment. I’ve been blessed with some incredibly helpful resources for study. I’m a guy who likes to dive in and really soak up what the text is saying.  I like…

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Immigration and Evangelism

Perhaps there is no hotter topic than the subject of immigration. If you want to turn a really nice dinner party into an ugly brawl, just stand up and give your views on immigration. Yes, you will have ignited a verbal war. Judging the emails, Facebook entries, and Twitter chatter, Christians are talking a lot…

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In Praise of Starbucks

Last night I had a rare night to just relax. The kids were in bed early, Angela was out to run errands, and I had the TV remote to myself. So I flipped around and finally settled on a biopic on CNBC done by the Biography Channel. The story of Starbucks, in particular, its chairman,…

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Reflections on ICRS/IFCA

Well I’m back in the office after quite a few days on the road. We combined vacation with conferences and appointments this year. Not sure its a good formula, but that’s what our schedule allowed, and to be honest, all our three children care about at this point is a hotel with a pool. So…

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Just Call Me Dad

I have to admit that before I was married, I really didn’t enjoy kids. Its not that I didn’t like them, but the sounds of crying babies and snotty-nosed toddlers and sugar-addled adolescents just didn’t get my juices flowing. But something happened on December 31st, 2004. For the first time, I was no longer a…

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It is Well With My Soul

After sharing with his disciples the news of his upcoming arrest and death, the betrayal one of the twelve, and the denial of their spokesman, leader, and friend, Peter, Jesus shared these simple words, “Let not your heart be troubled.” How is that possible when they’re world was turning upside-down? Jesus shared with them a…

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