Defending the Ground Zero Mosque

Like most people, I was taken back by the proposed mosque that has been approved for construction just two blocks from ground zero. It seems to be an “in-your-face” statement to have such a visible sign of Islam so close to the place where radical adherents of that religion carried out their vengeance on the…

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Immigration and Evangelism

Perhaps there is no hotter topic than the subject of immigration. If you want to turn a really nice dinner party into an ugly brawl, just stand up and give your views on immigration. Yes, you will have ignited a verbal war. Judging the emails, Facebook entries, and Twitter chatter, Christians are talking a lot…

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It is Well With My Soul

After sharing with his disciples the news of his upcoming arrest and death, the betrayal one of the twelve, and the denial of their spokesman, leader, and friend, Peter, Jesus shared these simple words, “Let not your heart be troubled.” How is that possible when they’re world was turning upside-down? Jesus shared with them a…

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