Some thoughts on productivity and leadership from a creative

Productivity is a growing field among evangelicals and I’m so grateful for this. Gifted men like Matt Perman and Michael Hyatt have helped us think through the best way to do be most efficient in our respective callings. At ERLC we are blessed to have our very own productivity guru, Daniel Patterson, who has taught me…

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Good Men Are Hard to Find: Lessons from the Life of George H.W. Bush

I just finished reading Jon Meacham’s magnificent biography of the 41st President of the United States, George HW Bush, a book I thoroughly enjoyed, from cover to cover. Bush’s election to the presidency in 1988 was the first presidential election I paid attention to. I was ten years old, already a budding politics and history nerd.…

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When you stop saying “Thank You”

Many years ago, a writing mentor counseled me with words I’ll never forget: “Dan, no matter how far you get in your career, always say ‘Thank you’ every time someone offers you an opportunity to write.” I’ve never forgotten that advice. Maybe its because my mother taught me–no she actually insisted (you know how mothers…

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Joining Green Hill Church

One of the reasons I love my job here at ERLC is that our mission to equip the church to think through moral and ethical issues. I love the church, having grown up hearing the gospel preached, learning the hymns, and worshiping Christ every Sunday. I loved pastoring. I believe, with all my heart, that…

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Good Reading on Syrian Refugees

The plight of Syrian refugees, particularly their possible resettlement in the United States, has come under increased scrutiny in the days since the Paris terrorists attacks. The conversation online (much of it ugly) has centered around the tension of two American ideals: maintaining national security and welcoming those who are fleeing terror. I’ve done quite…

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ICYM: Some recent articles

In case you missed it, here are some recent articles I’ve written: No Quick Fixes – In Touch Magazine A. W. Tozer famously said, “It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.” Maybe this is what Paul was referring to when he told the believers at Corinth that…

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ICYMI: Trust, Engagement, Mission

In case you missed it: some of my latest articles: Three Important Ways to Build Trust – Lifeway Pastors What is the most important character trait for a pastor? A preaching gift? Theological education? Leadership skills? Vision? Communication saavy? A shepherd’s heart? All of these things are important and essential for the ministry, but none…

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The Way Home: Episode 34 featuring Vincent DiCaro

Today I am glad to be joined by my friend Vincent DiCaro, Chief Outreach Officer for Carenet. Prior to that Vincent worked at The National Fatherhood Initiative. Carenet is a national organization with over 1,100 crisis pregnancy centers. Vincent is going to talk to us about the effectiveness of Pregnancy Resource Centers, particularly in light of…

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The Way Home: Episode 32 with Phillip Bethancourt

What does strategic and visionary leadership look like for Christian organizations? This is the topic of today’s podcast where I’m joined by my colleague, Phillip Bethancourt. Phillip is the executive vice-president of ERLC. He previously served as Vice President for Enrollment Management and Assistant Professor of Christian Theology at Southern Seminary. He completed an MDiv and PhD…

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Are you preaching the right Jesus on Sunday?

From my recent article at Lifeway Pastors:  A few years ago I began a preaching series through the book of James. To be honest, I decided to preach through James because I felt it addressed some issues I wanted to address, from Scripture in our congregation. James is a book that doesn’t mess around. It…

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