10 Digital Resolutions for the New Year

photo © 2009 Robert S. Donovan | more info (via: Wylio) I have been a tech junkie ever since my dad came home with one of the very first personal computers— the TI-99 4A. I consider myself a charter member of “the connected generation.” I’ve always known life to be lived at warped speed and…

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Win a Free Autographed Copy of iFaith

Interested in a free autographed copy of iFaith? I’m going to give 5 free copies away, but with a few conditions: 1) You must first download the free first chapter of iFaith here and then comment on this blog post that has the free chapter. 2) Agree to write a review on Amazon.com, Barnes and…

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Download Sample Chapter of iFaith

New Hope Publishers graciously allowed me to post a sample first chapter of my latest release, iFaith, Connecting to God in the 21st Century. This first chapter includes the table of contents, introduction, and first chapter. Hopefully it will give you an idea of the purpose of the book and whet your appetite for more:…

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Publisher’s Weekly Review of iFaith

If you’re an author, you know that Publisher’s Weekly is the Holy Grail of book publications, the go-to guide for anyone in the industry. Getting a review in Pub Weekly is often as elusive as getting an interview on Oprah or reaching the NYT bestseller list. Which explains my shock to see iFaith reviewed today…

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The Theology of Waiting – iFaith – Chapter Two

Every Monday, for the next several weeks, I am posting a quote from my forthcoming book, iFaith, Connecting to God in the 21st Century. Today, a quote from the first chapter, entitled, “A History of Waiting.” Nearly 50 times the Scripture implores us to wait because waiting is the DNA of faith. The root Hebrew…

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Connecting to God – in the 21st Century

Starting today, every Monday, I plan on posting a key quote from my upcoming book, iFaith. Today, I’m posting a quote from the intro, where I talk about the premise for the book, which is to examine how my generation, who has always experienced life at warped speed, can relate to God: We’re members of…

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Resetting our Gratitude Meter

Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God…

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Endorsements for iFaith

Endorsements for iFaith, Connecting to God in the 21st Century I’m humbled that these great men and women of God have lent their endorsement to my forthcoming book, iFaith: “Daniel Darling is a serious young man of faith, worthy of a careful reading.” Jerry B. Jenkins, bestselling author of 175 books, including the 700,000,000 selling Left…

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Moving: The Way to Your Gifts

I’ve been thinking and speaking a lot of about God’s will, gifts, purpose, God’s calling, etc. And sometimes I think we just make too darn hard what God has made rather simple. Lot of Christians wrestle with questions like, What is it that God wants me to do with my life? How do I know…

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I wanted to share info about my latest book, to be released January of 2011. Unlike my previous two books, Crash Course and Teen People of the Bible, which were written to teens, iFaith is written to adults of my generation. This book was born out of my own journey of faith, a journey that…

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