Oh, Canada!

I’m sitting in the Buffalo airport, waiting to board a plane to Baltimore, where I will board a plane to Milwaukee, where I will drive back to the Chicago area where we live. It’s been a wonderful, whirlwind couple of days. I had a few passport issues, but thankfully the border guards on both sides…

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Sin Catches Up

If you know the storyline of David’s life, you know that his big sin was his affair with Bathsheba. You don’t even have to grow up in church to know the story. He’s the King of Israel. The men are out at war. He should be there with them, but he he stays back. David…

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Friday Five – John Dyer

What is the effect of technology on our souls? And how do people of faith discern what is good and what is harmful? Today I’ve invited my friend John Dyer for a thoughtful discussion on the intersection of faith and technology. John Dyer (Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary) has been a web developer for more than…

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Why Reading Books Still Matters

photo © 2008 ladyb | more info (via: Wylio)One of the big questions we’re facing in the 21st Century is the question of books. Will we still need books? Or does everyone simply read blogs. In a world of iPads, Kindles, and Wii, are books important or are they an analog relic of the ancient…

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Resources for Graduation

photo © 2010 Ralph Daily | more info (via: Wylio)     We’re coming up on graduation day, that fateful day when you step across the aisle and enter into life. I’ll never forget the day I nervously stumbled down the aisle, sweating profusely and wondering what I was going to say in my speech.…

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God of Scars

Because I grew up as a classic Christian good kid (a heritage for which I am grateful), I used to look at folks who bore a few scars of their previously worldly life and sort of think, “Well, God bless them, but they can’t be used for Christ as much as I am, because I’ve…

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Friday Five – Toni Birdsong

A few weeks ago I attended the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville, TN–my first time–and met quite a few terrific gospel communicators, who are faithful in sharing the gospel across old, new, and emerging mediums. I came away greatly encouraged at the increasing ways in which 21st Century technology is allowing Christ to be…

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The World’s First Prayer Meeting – iFaith

When I was writing iFaith, I came across one of the most interesting passages in the Bible. It’s almost a throwaway line at the end of Genesis 4. It describes the birth of Seth, Adam and Eve’s third son. “Then men began to pray.” That passage really grabbed me because it came at the end…

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Reboot Your Life

Sometimes you just need to reboot your computer and sometimes you need to reboot your life. Elijah realized this. In 1 Kings 19, we see the raw human side of this fiery prophet of God. His lessons are powerful lessons for today’s connected generation. I flesh that out in great detail in chapter five if…

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Blue Screen Faith – Chapter Four of iFaith

If you work with a computer as your main tool, as I do, the one thing you dread is to flip it open and see the Blue Screen of Death. This means that you’re computer won’t work for you and likely has to be reformated or replaced. Unless you know a magical friend who can…

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6 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Technology

photo © 2008 Valerie Everett | more info (via: Wylio) Those of us who live and work and move around in this connected society are constantly grappling with a healthy balance when it comes to managing our use of technology. On the one hand, we want to harness new and emerging tools to enhance our…

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