Friday Five – Jackie Kendall

Today, my good friend, Jackie Kendall stops by to chat. Here is the reason I like Jackie: My wife, Angela, read Jackie’s best-selling book Lady in Waiting, while she was a single girl in Bible college. Angela says that this really prepared her for life. Angela is a super mom and wife, so I have…

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Friday Five Interview – Dannah Gresh

Today, it’s a great privilege to interview my good friend, Dannah Gresh. I’ve long admired Dannah’s life-changing ministry, Pure Freedom, to young girls both inside and outside the church. Dannah Gresh is known for the bestselling And the Bride Wore White and the Secret Keeper series. She is the founder of Pure Freedom ministries. Dannah…

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Friday Five Interview – Pete Wilson

Today on the blog I have the privilege to interview popular pastor and author, Pete Wilson. Pete Wilson is the founding and senior pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN. This is the second church he has planted in the last seven years. His first church, Morgantown Community Church, was planted just weeks after…

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Friday Five Interview – Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner

Today I’m highly honored to have two distinguished men stop by the blog for this very special Friday Five interview. We’re less than two weeks before the midterm elections and so thoughtful people of faith on both sides of the political divide will go to the polls and help shape their government. So I thought…

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Friday Five Interview: Dallas Jenkins

I’m delighted to invite Dallas Jenkins to the blog today for The Friday Five. Dallas is a producer and director with Jenkins Entertainment. He is the son of bestselling author, Jerry Jenkins. Dallas Jenkins produced the $2 million independent “Hometown Legend” at the age of 25, ultimately guiding it to Warner Brothers for distribution. Dallas…

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Friday Five Intervew: Tony Merida

I’m always excited to meet new authors, especially new authors who are pastors, and especially new authors, who are pastors, who publish with my friends at New Hope, who has published all my books. I was asked a few months ago to consider endorsing a book by Dr. Tony Merida, entitled, Orphanology, to be released…

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Friday Five Interview – Renee Johnson

So today, I’m honored to have my friend Renee Johnson stop by. Unless you’re under a rock, you’ll know she’s the world-famous, “devotional diva.” Seriously Renee has been writing devos for 20-somethings for quite some time now. They are downloaded, tweeted, read by email, and forwarded by thousands of young people around the world. Lately…

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Friday Five Interview: Jennifer Kennedy Dean

When my first book was published, I remember attending my very first ICRS (then it was call CBA Convention). It was in Indianapolis and I had a radio interview scheduled. I was as nervous as a cat. I had just driven 5 hours from Chicago area, got a speeding ticket, and was a bit overwhelmed…

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Friday Five Interview – Trevin Wax

Today I’m honored to chat with Trevin Wax, a popular blogger,  associate Pastor at First Baptist Church in Shelbyville, TN, and author of the new book, Holy Subversion. Trevin is a frequently contributer to publications, such as Christianity Today. He is currently working on a second book,Counterfeit Gospels: Rediscovering the Good News in a World of False Hopes.…

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Friday Five Interview – Cynthia Ruchti

Today I have the good fortune of chatting with my friend, Cynthia Ruchti, president of American Christian Fiction Writers, 2,000 member strong group of authors, editors, and agents who work collectively to produce inspirational fiction. She is also the author of They Almost Always Come Home, a delightful novel about a marriage that needed a…

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Friday Five Interview: Tullian Tchividjian

Its a great privilege to interview Tullian Tchividjian. William Graham Tullian Tchividjian (pronounced cha-vi-jin) is the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Tullian comes from a very famous family. He is the grandson of Billy and Ruth Graham. I first learned about Tullian Tchividjian after reading his terrific book, Unfashionable: Making…

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Friday Five Interview: Tricia Goyer

Tricia Goyer is a multi-published author and speaker. I got to know Tricia when my first book, Teen People of the Bible was released. Her career has really taken off since. Tricia is the author of 25 books, including historical and contemporary fiction as well as nonfiction. She has published over 300 articles for national…

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