Satan’s Hidden Tax

I wrote this for my weekly devotional (published at and also Clash Entertainment):  It was almost midnight and I was nearly finished filing my income taxes. I had finished my federal return and was now almost done with my state return. I live in Illinois and typically the state portion of my taxes is…

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Teen Devos for the New Year

If you’d like to get encourage your young person to develop a study of the Scriptures in 2012, you can help them along the way with some resources I’ve developed. I’d like to share about two of them here: Teen People of the Bible, Celebrity Profiles of Real Faith and Tragic Failure  This was my…

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Friday Five Interview: Scott Phelps

Scott Phelps is a leading author of a critically acclaimed abstinence curriculum used around the country, including A.C Green’s Gameplan and Navigator. He is the founder and executive director of the Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership. Scott has worked with youth in San Francisco and Chicago and each year speaks to thousands of teens around…

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Friday Five – Alex Chediak

Today more kids go to college than ever before and yet many wonder if kids are truly ready. How do parents and pastors and influencers prepare young people for this important phase of their lives? Today I’m blessed to chat with Alex Chediak, author of the newly released book, Thriving at College. Alex is an…

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My Books Available in New Formats

excited to announce that my books are available in some new formats. First, my two teen devotionals, Teen People of the Bible and Crash Course are now available in the popular Bible study program, WordSearch. I have long used WordSearch for Bible study for preaching and writing. It is an indispensable tool for me. I highly recommend…

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Resources for Graduation

photo © 2010 Ralph Daily | more info (via: Wylio)     We’re coming up on graduation day, that fateful day when you step across the aisle and enter into life. I’ll never forget the day I nervously stumbled down the aisle, sweating profusely and wondering what I was going to say in my speech.…

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When Fun Becomes an Idol

I’ll never forget a conversation I had with my father one day as we were working on a construction site. Dad owned his own plumbing business and had the bright idea of dragging me along to learn what it was like to get my hands dirty and to work. I remember this day vividly. It…

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Developing Decision-Makers

“Will they make good choices?” This is the question that every parent asks, especially parents of teenagers. Its what keeps you up at night, fretting, hoping, and praying. In my work as a pastor, I often counsel young people on the wide array of choices that lie before them. And even though I’ve talked to…

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Nice Review of Crash Course

My good friend, Charles Stone, has written a wonderful review of Crash Course: Although my kids are well beyond the teen years, I wish I could have given them this devotional when they were kids. You can read the rest of the review here.

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7 Factors to Determine Your Direction

I run into a lot of young people who are pretty committed to following Christ with their lives and yet they sort of live in this fog about exactly what that looks like for them. We tend to over-spiritualize God’s Will as if it is some hazy, foggy, wispy thing when it is really not…

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5-4-3 Tools for Making Good Decisions

5 Things To Know: 1) Know What You Believe (Matthew 6:45; Proverbs 23:7) What you believe down deep in your heart is the most important thing about you. Notice I said what you believe, not what your parents or pastor or guidance counselor believes. Every major life decision should be run thru the filter of…

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