Book Review: Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas
It’s hard to imagine a more complex study than the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. After more than a half-century after his death, the debate still rages about his life. Was he a committed evangelical motivated by the gospel to resist the Nazi regime? Or was he noble, yet a dedicated liberal theologian, a skeptic of the orthodox…
Read MoreBook Review: John Bunyan by Kevin Belmonte
One of my favorite hobbies is reading biographies. Recently I had the opportunity to read and review Kevin Belmont’s excellent biography of John Bunyan. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and wholeheartedly recommend it. Here is my review: Beside the King James Version of the Bible, few works of literature have had the impact of Pilgrim’s…
Read MoreFriday Five Interview – Terry Whalin
If you’re a writer, editor, book publisher, agent or anyone associated with publishing, it’s likely you know my friend, Terry Whalin.W. Terry Whalin understands both sides of the editorial desk–as an editor and a writer. He worked as an editor for Decision and In Other Words. His magazine articles have appeared in more than 50 publications including Writer’s…
Read MoreFriday Five Interview: Sally Lloyd Jones
She is the author of (in my opinion) the best Children’s story Bible on the market, The Jesus Bible Storybook. You can read my review of this here. Sally Llloyd Jones is a British children’s book writer based in the United States. Sally was born in Uganda and was raised in East and West Africa.…
Read MorePublisher’s Weekly Review of iFaith
If you’re an author, you know that Publisher’s Weekly is the Holy Grail of book publications, the go-to guide for anyone in the industry. Getting a review in Pub Weekly is often as elusive as getting an interview on Oprah or reaching the NYT bestseller list. Which explains my shock to see iFaith reviewed today…
Read MoreBook Review – The Jesus Storybook Bible
It used to be that finding the best children’s Bible was hard, because there are so many wonderful and good ones on the market. But that’s no longer the case, since Sally Lloyd Jones released, The Jesus Storybook Bible. This book has been highly recommended. I first heard of it on Josh Harris’ blog. So…
Read MoreFriday Five – Tim Challies
Today, I’m honored to chat with Tim Challies, who really needs no introduction. Tim maintains the blog,, one of the most widely read evangelical blogs. Tim is a voracious reader, whose book reviews have helped shape evangelical thought. He’s the author of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment and Sexual Detox along with the forthcoming…
Read MoreThe I’m Okay Syndrome
I wanted to post my article here. It reflects some of the material that I’m working on for a future book on 2nd Generation Christians: Growing up in a Christian school, I loved having a few bad kids around. Not because I hung out with them or did what they did. I was too…
Read MoreEndorsements for iFaith
Endorsements for iFaith, Connecting to God in the 21st Century I’m humbled that these great men and women of God have lent their endorsement to my forthcoming book, iFaith: “Daniel Darling is a serious young man of faith, worthy of a careful reading.” Jerry B. Jenkins, bestselling author of 175 books, including the 700,000,000 selling Left…
Read MoreFriday Five Interview – Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner
Today I’m highly honored to have two distinguished men stop by the blog for this very special Friday Five interview. We’re less than two weeks before the midterm elections and so thoughtful people of faith on both sides of the political divide will go to the polls and help shape their government. So I thought…
Read MoreJesus Endorsement of My Prayer
I’m wrapping up my message for Sunday from John 16:23-28. This is a comfort given by Jesus as he is closing his time with the disciples in the Upper Room. Jesus had just unfolded a ton of truth–Holy Spirit, Heaven, Future, Fruit-bearing–all stuff we look back on and understand because we have the full revealed…
Read MoreiFaith
I wanted to share info about my latest book, to be released January of 2011. Unlike my previous two books, Crash Course and Teen People of the Bible, which were written to teens, iFaith is written to adults of my generation. This book was born out of my own journey of faith, a journey that…
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