Book Review – The Jesus Storybook Bible

It used to be that finding the best children’s Bible was hard, because there are so many wonderful and good ones on the market. But that’s no longer the case, since Sally Lloyd Jones released, The Jesus Storybook Bible. This book has been highly recommended. I first heard of it on Josh Harris’ blog. So…

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Friday Five Interview – Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner

Today I’m highly honored to have two distinguished men stop by the blog for this very special Friday Five interview. We’re less than two weeks before the midterm elections and so thoughtful people of faith on both sides of the political divide will go to the polls and help shape their government. So I thought…

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Book Review – City of Man

Younger generations of evangelicals are wrestling with the proper way to engage in the political arena. As a one-time political activist and now a pastor, I have personally felt the tension between radical engagement and radical withdrawal. At times I have felt Christians have been too passive and at times (lately), I have felt that…

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Book Review – Surprised by Grace – Tullian Tchividjian

You don’t grow up in the church, as I have, without knowing, memorizing, and internalizing the story of Jonah. From the time I was old enough to do Sunday School, all through Vacation Bible School, Children’s Church, and on through sermon series, books, teen discussions, etc, I have heard Jonah’s life dissected in every which…

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Nice Review of Crash Course

My good friend, Charles Stone, has written a wonderful review of Crash Course: Although my kids are well beyond the teen years, I wish I could have given them this devotional when they were kids. You can read the rest of the review here.

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Book Review – 5 Ministry Killers by Dr. Charles Stone

What if you could give a pastor truth serum and ask him what ministry is really like? Behind the plastered-on smile and steady handshake are often men of God who struggle with depression, burnout, disappointment, and sin. And yet, God continues to call ordinary men to the most extraordinary position as shepherd of God’s people.…

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Tea with Hezbollah

I was given the opportunity to review Tea with Hezbollah by Ted Dekker and Carl Medaris. The following is my review: If you have read any of Ted Dekker’s novels, you are aware that you won’t ever pick one up and find a normal read. Ted probably has one of the most imaginative minds in…

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A Ruckus at the Back of your Bus

I just finished a powerful new book written by my friend, Pastor Bill Giovenetti. I highly recommend it. Here is my full review: How to Keep Your Inner Mess From Trashing Your Outer World Bill Giovanetti Monarch Books Every person has a cast of ugly characters riding in the back of their bus. If you’re…

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