Mini-Reviews #6

I’m back with another batch of mini-reviews. Today I discuss three outstanding books: King Solomon by Philip Graham Ryken. Solomon is not a Bible character typically covered in depth, so this book by Philip Graham Ryken is a welcome one. Ryken is the former pastor of the historic 10th Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia and the new…

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Books I’m Reading (10/29/11)

I’m about to turn in my manuscript which means more time for reading. Here’s what I’ve got on my nightstand: Walking in the Spirit – Kenneth Berding. I’m halfway thru this book. It’s a terrific and practical guide to what exactly it looks like to walk in the spirt. I’m thinking I’ll order this as…

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Mini-Reviews #5

Another batch of mini-reviews: Raised Right by Alisa Harris I have mixed feelings about this book. For one, I’m always a bit jaded by memoirs from people who are young. Alisa Harris is 26 years old. On the other hand, I thoroughly enjoyed this book because it puts a personal touch, a face, on a…

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Mini-Reviews #4

Here is another batch of reviews for books I’ve recently read. Not all are recently published. Some are a few years. Still, I think they are good and relevant today: Just As I Am by Billy Graham I’ve always wanted to read this book. I’m intrigued by the biographies of well-known evangelical leaders. A couple…

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Books I’m Reading (8/30/2011)

I’m always reading books. Here are some I’m working on right now: The Beginning and End of Wisdom – Preaching Christ from the First and Last Chapters of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. Douglas Sean O’Donnell Jesus, My Father, the CIA, and Me – Ian Morgan Cron Jonathan Edwards, A Life – George Marsden

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Mini Reviews #3

Here’s another batch of mini-reviews, taking care of some books that have occupied my nightstand (and travel bag) this summer: Lions of Kandahar by Rusty Bradley and Kevin Maurer I thoroughly enjoyed this book, from cover to cover. It was a bit of a diversion for me as I usually read books on theology or Christian…

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Mini Book Reviews #2

I’ve slimmed down the stack of books on my nightstand lately. This is, of course, to make room for more books, right? Here are reviews of three excellent books I have recently finished: Tempted and Tried by Russell D. Moore. We did this book as part of our Sunday Morning Men’s Bible Study at Gages…

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Mini Book Reviews

I’ve been reading a lot lately. Here are two mini-reviews of two rather excellent books: A God Sized Vision by Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge. I loved this book for many reasons. It’s a novel idea–to present a basic history of revival. Revival is a subject I had little knowledge of, other than being part…

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Unbroken – The Remarkable Story of Louie Zamperini

I just finished an extraordinary book, Unbroken, by the immensely talented Laura Hillenbrand. I’m not sure what is more remarkable–the improbable life of Louie Zamperini or the improbability of Hillenbrand writing this story. She suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome, a debilitating illness that leaves her confined to her bedroom most days. Somehow she managed to bring the…

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Book Review: Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas

It’s hard to imagine a more complex study than the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. After more than a half-century after his death, the debate still rages about his life. Was he a committed evangelical motivated by the gospel to resist the Nazi regime? Or was he noble, yet a dedicated liberal theologian, a skeptic of the orthodox…

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Book Review: John Bunyan by Kevin Belmonte

One of my favorite hobbies is reading biographies. Recently I had the opportunity to read and review Kevin Belmont’s excellent biography of John Bunyan. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and wholeheartedly recommend it. Here is my review: Beside the King James Version of the Bible, few works of literature have had the impact of Pilgrim’s…

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Friday Five Interview: Sally Lloyd Jones

She is the author of (in my opinion) the best Children’s story Bible on the market, The Jesus Bible Storybook. You can read my review of this here. Sally Llloyd Jones is a British children’s book writer based in the United States. Sally was born in Uganda and was raised in East and West Africa.…

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