Why Words Matter to God

It’s a bit ironic that the human race’s descent into darkness began with the serpent’s own twisted misrepresentation of God’s words of instruction to His image-bearers. Words, after humanity’s fall into sin, can now be used either to injure or inspire. This is why King David prayed that the words of his mouth be “acceptable”…

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SBC Resolution on Human Dignity

I was grateful to see the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention pass a strong resolution on human dignity. More than ever, Christians need to reclaim this biblical view and apply it to the way we see ourselves and our neighbors. I’ve included it below: WHEREAS, In the beginning, the Triune God chose to create…

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On My Nightstand

Books, for me, are therapy, a way of relaxing from the pressures of the world. My habit, lately, has been to physically read books on theology and the Christian life and to listen, via audiobook, history and biography. I’m almost always in the middle of reading a book and listening to a book. George Will…

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My New Project on Human Dignity

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve just signed a contract for my next book project. I’m pleased to be working with The Good Book Company on a book on human dignity. I’m deeply grateful for my agent, Erik Wolgemuth and for The Good Book Company for believing in this idea. I’ve been impressed with TGBC,…

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Good Men Are Hard to Find: Lessons from the Life of George H.W. Bush

I just finished reading Jon Meacham’s magnificent biography of the 41st President of the United States, George HW Bush, a book I thoroughly enjoyed, from cover to cover. Bush’s election to the presidency in 1988 was the first presidential election I paid attention to. I was ten years old, already a budding politics and history nerd.…

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Announcing My New Book: The Original Jesus

This September, Baker Books is releasing my sixth book, The Original Jesus. This book is a critique of ten different versions of Jesus floating around in the evangelical world. I was motivated to write this book by observing the flippant way we (and I mean we because, in some way, I’m tempted toward all of these false Jesus’ myself) talk about Christ. We have a tendency, in our modern age, to mold Jesus into our image rather than letting Jesus mold us into His.

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Finding God in the Boring

Had a chance to interview my friend, Michael Kelly about his new book, Boring, which you should buy. Michael is a Director of Discipleship at Lifeway Christian Resources. He’s a creative speaker and author. If you have not read his book, Wednesdays Were Pretty Normal, you should. In that book, Michael walks thru the difficult journey he and…

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Shaping Minds Thru Fiction – A Conversation With Trevin Wax

I had a chance to interview my good friend, Trevin Wax about his brand-new book, Clear Winter Nights. Trevin is one of my favorite bloggers and authors. He’s also the managing editor of The Gospel Project curriculum from Lifeway, a fantastic tool that I highly recommend churches use for all ages. In this video conversation, I talk to Trevin…

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New Book Trailer for Activist Faith

Here is the slick new video trailer NavPress produced for our new book, Activist Faith, to be released in July. This is a new project coauthored with my friends, Dillon Burroughs and Dan King. Check it out: Resources:  Preorder on Amazon Activist Faith Website Activist Faith on Facebook Activist Faith on Twitter

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Exciting New Project Announcement

I’m excited to officially announce a new book project I’ll be working on with two very good friends, Dillon Burroughs and Dan King. This is the culmination of something we’ve been at for a couple of years: Activist Faith. The idea is to marshall information, resources, and ideas on some of the major issues of…

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Kindle Ebooks on Sale

New Hope Publishers is discounting my books on Kindle for the entire month of July. They are only $2.99. Here are the links: iFaith, Connecting to God in the 21st Century Crash Course, Forming a Faith Foundation for Life Teen People of the Bible, Celebrity Profiles of Real Faith and Tragic Failure

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