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The Way Home: Jackie Middler on her pro-life story and grace

This week on The Way Home podcast Jackie Middler joins me to talk about her pro-life story. Jackie shares her experience of having two abortions as a young woman, the guilt and shame that resulted, and forgiveness and grace she found in Christ. Now, Jackie is a very outspoken pro-life advocate.

This episode of The Way Home Podcast is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. At Faithful Counseling, you’ll find professional mental health counseling from a Biblical perspective. Visit faithfulcounseling.com/wayhome for a 10% discount off your first month.

Show Notes

Guest Biography: An avid reader and devoted wife and mother of three, Jacqueline Middler gives voice to the women who have had abortions and live with the regret and shame of that decision. White Stick is her debut work, birthed from the years-long journey to healing and redemption and her desire open the eyes of the world to the harm this choice brings to women. She has a degree from Johnson & Wales in marketing, with concentrations in English and psychology.

Website: jacquelinemiddler.com
Facebook: @jacquelinemiddler
Twitter: @j_middler
Instagram: @jacquelinemiddler
YouTube: Jacqueline Middler
Book: White Stick

This episode of The Way Home podcast is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. Visit faithfulcounseling.com/wayhome for a 10% discount on your first month’s membership.