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The Way Home: Jared Moore on kids and culture

Jared Moore joins me on The Way Home podcast to talk about teaching our kids how to think about and embrace pop culture—movies, music, social media, and cultural artifacts. He helps parents walk through and navigate some of these challenges beyond just what is right and what is not right but how we consume cultural artifacts and look in them for themes that relate to biblical truths. 

This episode of The Way Home Podcast is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. At Faithful Counseling, you’ll find professional mental health counseling from a Biblical perspective. Visit faithfulcounseling.com/wayhome for a 10% discount off your first month.

Show Notes

Guest Biography: Jared is the co-author of The Pop Culture Parent: Helping Kids Engage Their World for Christ. He also co-hosts The Pop Culture Coram Deo Podcast (available everywhere). Jared has a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and has served in pastoral ministry since 2000. He and his wife Amber have four children. Jared enjoys spending time with his wife, playing games with his children, Batman, the NFL and NBA, and playing the guitar.

Facebook: @AllTruthIsGodsTruth
Twitter: @jaredhmoore
Podcast: All Truth is God’s Truth
Website: jaredmoore.exaltchrist.com
The Pop Culture Parent: Helping Kids Engage Their World for Christ

This episode of The Way Home podcast is sponsored by Faithful Counseling. Visit faithfulcounseling.com/wayhome for a 10% discount on your first month’s membership.