6 Social Media Habits Pastors Should Avoid

“… And he’s a pastor!”

I hear this phrase almost every week about a pastor’s online activity—namely, their treatment toward another human being through harsh speech. It’s almost as if we get behind a keyboard or touchscreen and forget our calling as heralds of God’s Word, shepherds of God’s people.

Today there are many ways for pastors to disqualify—or at least embarrass—themselves, but few are as easy and fatal as social media. One friend of mine remarked recently that before looking for a church, Christians should check a pastor’s social media feed. That’s good advice.

Pastors—particularly when we have that label in our social media bio—can make or break the opinion of seekers or cynics when it comes to representing Christ well in our interactions. And a pastor who displays a critical spirit or ill will toward those not in their tribe can quickly discourage other believers on Twitter.

So what are some critical mistakes pastors can make on social media? Here are six of the most common ones we should avoid.

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Image credit: Christopher on Flickr Creative Commons
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