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The Way Home: N.T. Wright on Finding God in the Pandemic 

The Way Home podcast is back! On this special relaunch episode, New Testament scholar N.T. Wright joins me to help answer the question of “Where is God in the Pandemic?” He also helps to clear up popular myths about the world of the New Testament.
Guest Biography: N.T. Wright is the former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England and one of the world’s leading Bible scholars. He is now serving as the Chair of New Testament and Early Christianity at the School of Divinity at the University of St. Andrews. For twenty years he taught New Testament studies at Cambridge, McGill and Oxford University. His award-winning books include The Case for the Psalms, How God Became King, Simply Jesus, After You Believe, Surprised by Hope, Simply Christian, Scripture and the Authority of God. Perhaps his most significant work is Resurrection of the Son of God.