Human Dignity, Spiritual Leadership, and Madame Secretary: Some Recent Articles

Here are some recent articles I’ve published:

Stop Pitting Pro-Life Causes Against Each Other

For Relevant on the unfortunate tension between those who advocate for pro-life justice and those who advocate for racial justice:

Back in January, those of us in the U.S. celebrated both Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday and Sanctity of Life Sunday. What would it look like for the church to lament both the abortion industrial complex and systematic racial injustice, to confess the sins of abortion and racism, and to offer, for recovering racists and post-abortive women the freedom offered only in the cross of Christ?

Read more here:
How to Get Buy-In From the People You Lead
For Lifeway Pastors on the five things leaders need to help them lead well:

It’s amazing to me how many church leaders discount the important of building relationships with the people they serve. But all the seminary education and vision casting in the world won’t make up for a lack of intentional, one-on-one relationship-building. This is what separates pastors from mere preachers, leaders from title-holders, public servants from politicians.

Read more here:

Why I Watch Madame Secretary

For The Gospel Coalition, a piece on why I enjoy this new CBS drama:

Madam Secretary exposes Americans—comfortable in our cocoons of isolation—to the depth of human suffering and injustice around the globe. At its best, the show argues against both the heady statism that puts complete faith in government and the creeping cynicism that finds nothing redeemable at the highest levels of American power.

Read more here:

photo credit: Froderik Rubensson