The Way Home – Episode 19 featuring Charles Stone

When you are thinking of Christian leadership, rarely does brain science come to mind, but my friend Charles Stone says it should. Charles, besides being a popular author and pastor, has done extensive research on neuroscience. His findings are interesting and affect the way we think about spiritual leadership. He joins me today on the podcast to talk about his book Brain-Savvy Leaders: The Science of Significant Ministry. You’ll enjoy this conversation. Charles Stone is an old friend who, like me, once pastored in the Chicago area. He’s currently the senior pastor of West Park Church in Ontario, Canada.

Show Notes

If you are planning on being at the Southern Baptist Convention in Columbus, I want to encourage you to stop by our booth where we will have many free resources to give away. You will also want to make plans to attend a special FREE event we are doing on Monday, June 15th at the convention with 9 Marks Ministries on Connecting Church and Culture. This will be a really cool event, with Dr. Mark Dever and Dr. Russell Moore taking questions on church and culture.

August 5 is our second annual National Conference. Our theme this year will be “The Gospel and Politics” Dr. Russell Moore and other evangelical leaders such as Samuel Rodriguez, Ross Douthat, Michael Gerson, David Platt and others will be discussing what Christian cultural engagement should look like especially as we head into another heated Presidential election. When you register put the coupon code: WAYHOME and get a special 15% discount.

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