Announcing My New Book: The Original Jesus

originaljesusThis September, Baker Books is releasing my sixth book, The Original Jesus. This book is a critique of ten different versions of Jesus floating around in the evangelical world. I was motivated to write this book by observing the flippant way we (and I mean we because, in some way, I’m tempted toward all of these false Jesus’ myself) talk about Christ. We have a tendency, in our modern age, to mold Jesus into our image rather than letting Jesus mold us into His.

Dr. Russell Moore was kind to write the foreword. I was also honored to get endorsements from Jim Daly, Danny Akin, Trevin Wax, and several others.

Here are links to where you can pre-order it: 


Barnes and Noble

Here’s a brief description and a chapter outline:

This fresh look at ten “Americanized” views of Jesus reveals him not as a deity we can conform to our own comfortable image but as the Christ who transforms us.

Introduction: Play-Dough Jesus

Chapter 1: Guru Jesus – A really wise guy, slightly less than God

Chapter 2: Red-Letter Jesus – A guy much nicer than those angry prophets

Chapter 3: Brave-Heart Jesus – A really masculine dude with a hairy chest and a bad temper

Chapter 4: American Jesus – A God for the red states

Chapter 5: Free-Range Jesus – When God drove a Prius and rocked great parties

Chapter 6: Dr. Phil Jesus – He’ll fix all your problems, y’all

Chapter 7: The Prosperity Jesus – He wants to help you win and get lots of stuff

Chapter 8: Post-Church Jesus – Don’t invite this guy to church. He’s more comfortable at Starbucks

Chapter 9: BFF Jesus – He’s available to date, after you break up with your boyfriend.

Chapter 10: The Legalistic Jesus – He’ll help you find your way to Heaven, but don’t ever cross him.

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