The Way Home – Episode 1 featuring Karen Swallow Prior and Matt Chandler

Listen to This Week’s Episode of The Way Home

Welcome to the first episode of my brand-new podcast: The Way Home. My hope with this podcast is twofold: to give you some compelling conversations with pastors, church leaders, authors, and influencers. This first episode features my friend, Karen Swallow Prior, a fantastic voice. She’s an English professor at Liberty University and her work appears in places like The Atlantic, Hermeneutics, and others places. She’s also an ERLC Research Fellow.

Matt Chandler needs no introduction. He’s the pastor of Village Church in the Dallas Fort Worth area and a popular conference speaker. His sermon podcast is one of the most downloaded on iTunes. Most of all, he is a faithful preacher of the Bible and a man who loves Jesus.

You can listen by clicking on the link above and can also subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher, and Tune-in and RSS.

Show Notes:

Karen Swallow Prior segment starts at 4:33

Matt Chandler segment starts at 27:03

To learn more about the 2015 ERLC Leadership Summit on “The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation,” go to When registering use coupon code: WAYHOME. This event will be held in Nashville on March 26-27, 2015.

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