Finding God in the Mundane

I interviewed Michael Kelley this week for Leadership Journal. Michael is one of my favorite writers and teachers. His book, as I’ve said numerous times, Wednesdays Were Pretty Normal is a fantastic, raw, journey of faith.

Well, Michael is out with a new and interesting book, BoringI like this idea, because it’s the kind of counter-cultural message Christians need to hear. His premise is that consistent, ordinary faithfulness in service of God can, in it’s own way, be radical. One of the questions I asked him was this:

Do you think many faithful Christians feel a twinge of guilt because they are not headline-making world-changers?

I think they do, mainly because of conversations I’ve had with people very close to me. I think about the stay at home mom who spends a bulk of her day changing diapers and wrangling kids. I think of the office job guy who commutes the same route every single day. The temptation in those people is, because of what seems like drudgery, to escape. I wanted to encourage those people with the book by saying that meaning and significance isn’t found outside those ordinary arenas; it’s found inside when we begin to see the constant presence and work of God in the mundane.

Read the entire article here:

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