Celebrating 10 Great Years

Ten years ago, today, I held hands and looked into the eyes of a beautiful girl from Texas named Angela Sullivan.  I didn’t know much, but I knew I was in love with this girl. I fell in love with her beauty, her vivacious, sweet spirit, her love for the Lord and her zest for life. I thought I knew what marriages would be like, but I didn’t have a clue, really.

It’s been ten years, ten of the best, richest, most satisfying years of my life. This girl I married, Angela, has enriched my life in so many ways. She’s taught me how to be a good husband. She’s pushed me to be a good father. She’s given me four beautiful children.

We’ve been through some gut-wrenching trials together. We’ve endured the loss of loved ones. We’ve been betrayed by close and trusted friends. We’ve hurt so deeply we didn’t know if we could go on.We’ve endured excruciating health crises.

We’ve seen the Lord work in incredible ways. We’ve grown together. We’ve witnessed miracles.

We’ve wept together. We’ve laughed together. We’ve created many memories together.

The Bible describes marriage as a mystery. And it truly is. Two vastly different people, hearts knit together in love. I honestly say that today I’m more in love with Angela than I was the day we said our vows and became man and wife. These years have been rich, they’ve been wonderful. I thank God for the gift of my wife. I’m a better man for the ten years I’ve spent with Angela.

My prayer is for another ten years with her. And then another ten and another ten and another ten until we are both so old we can’t hardly move and our teeth are gone. When she is not present in the room, I feel like a part of me is missing. Her faith, her courage, her giftedness was exactly what God knew I needed.

In 2002, we spent our first Thanksgiving in clueless bliss at an Italian restaurant in a lighthouse in Aruba. Ten years later, we’ll spend it with a houseful of children. Who knows what the next ten years will bring. By God’s grace, it will be with Angela by my side. Thank you God, for this beautiful gift I don’t deserve.

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