Off to Europe

Today I’m headed for a ten-day trip to Europe to attend the wedding of my brother, Tim and his wife, Aneta, whose family lives in Krakow, Poland. I will be flying from Chicago, stopping in Helsinki, Finland, then flying to Budapest. Then I will get on another plane and fly from Budapest to Warsaw to Krakow.

After spending a few days in Krakow, I will fly back to Budapest (via Vienna) and then drive into Slovakia where I will spend time with Jason and Adele Rice, our missionaries to Slovakia. Jason and Adele are close friends. Jason pastored at Gages Lake prior to my tenture and our family has come to love and appreciate the Rices. I’m excited to see what God is doing through them in this part of the world.

So, I will be mostly “off the grid” during this trip. Since data transmission is so expensive for an American iPhone plan, I will only be checking email at wifi places. I will have limited ability to text and call (but please, don’t call or text me, because it costs $$). I will regularly check email on my laptop in the hotel where I’ll be staying.

As for blogging, I have posts scheduled to run while I’m gone. In my absence, my associate, Jay Lovelace will preach. He’s a terrific preacher and will bless our church greatly.

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