Exciting New Project Announcement

I’m excited to officially announce a new book project I’ll be working on with two very good friends, Dillon Burroughs and Dan King. This is the culmination of something we’ve been at for a couple of years: Activist Faith. The idea is to marshall information, resources, and ideas on some of the major issues of the day, such as poverty, immigration, marriage, life, adoption and orphan care, human trafficking, etc. The idea is simple: these issues are important and every Christian should responsibly research them and vote into office people who affirm biblical values. But there is much that can be done on these issues outside of politics. In between elections, the Church is at work helping to solve these problems, both locally and globally. 

For instance, I’m pro-life and I vote pro-life. I wish Roe-versus-Wade were overturned yesterday. But until that happens, I can do my part in my local community to save babies from abortion, right now. I can do that by assisting my local pregnancy center.

So, the three of us are writing a book tackling twelve important issues and what Christians can do today, outside of politics, right now to help solve them. We’re honored that NavPress is going to publish this book. It’s scheduled to release in 2013 sometime.

Below you will find the official press release:

Popular Bloggers Ink Deal for Activist Faith

June 25, 2012—Popular bloggers and authors Dillon Burroughs (Undefending Christianity), Daniel Darling (Real, iFaith), and Dan King (The Unlikely Missionary) have signed a new deal with Navpress, it was announced today by agent Tamela Hancock Murray of The Steve Laube Literary Agency, who negotiated the groundbreaking deal. The book, with the working title Activist Faith: Changed Lives Changing the World, is scheduled for release in July 2013.

Burroughs described the partnership as “a dream come true for us and our supporters,” and reported he was excited to work with Navpress, one of the premier publishers serving the millennial generation, whose works includes Eugene Peterson’s The Message and Greg Laurie’s Lost Son.

“This team is changing lives all over the world through their creative online efforts,” Murray said, noting the growing popularity of ActivistFaith.org, with its exploding social media and online fan base.

Darling’s columns and guest posts have been read everywhere from Relevant Magazine to michaelhyatt.com to The Washington Post’s “On Faith” column, in addition to his ongoing contributions to outlets like Crosswalk.com. King’s popular BibleDude.net portal reaches thousands of 20-somethings each month, furthering his efforts through his social media work for TheHighCalling.org and HELPOneNow.com. Burroughs blogs daily for Beliefnet.com, the world’s largest spirituality website, and posts thoughts on his handwritten Bible project at HolyWritProject.com, hosted by the world’s top religion website, Patheos.com.

“Our goal is to help everyday people live out what they believe on today’s important social issues,” explains Dan King. “We’ve learned most Christians really long to make a difference. They just need help connecting with efforts where they can make an impact. Activist Faith is our attempt to serve as a bridge for this growing need.”

“As a pastor, my heart is to encourage people to serve,” shares Darling. “Activist Faith helps extend this effort to ‘equip everyday activists’ who share Christ’s love through practical actions, reaching across the street and around the world.”

With tens of thousands of followers already clicking, tweeting, and sharing their daily inspirations, Activist Faith may launch a new type of book that serves as one piece of a larger “faith in action” movement for the next generation of Christians.


For more information about Dillon Burroughs, see DillonBurroughs.org, Facebook.com/readdB, or @readdB on Twitter.

For more information about Daniel Darling, see DanielDarling.com, Facebook.com/DanielDarling, or @DanielDarling on Twitter.

For more information about Dan King, see BibleDude.net, Facebook.com/BibleDude, or @BibleDude on Twitter.

Find out more about The Steve Laube Agency at SteveLaube.com.

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