My Favorite Books of 2011

I had the opportunity to read quite a few great books in 2011. Not quite as many (101) as my friend, Aaron Armstrong, but I read quite a few. Here are my top ten books. You’ll notice they are not necessarily all books that were published in 2011, but books I had the chance to read this year.

Unbroken by Lauren Hildenbrand

Lou Zamperini’s His life as told inUnbroken is a powerful story, a reminder of the sovereignty and grace of God in the life of one man, lived during one of the most ominous periods of world history.

Bonhoeffer by Erik Metaxes

Bonhoeffer is a book I highly recommend. It is a weighty, important biography of a man used greatly by God. Bonhoeffer was unsuccessful in taking down Hitler, but his life has become an inspiration for Christian boldness, faith, and cross-bearing in the many decades since he was martyred.

I have a feeling that this is the book Eric Metaxas will be always be known for. His painstaking work has given us a great gift.

Also, I conducted a very interesting interview with the author here.

Just As I Am by Billy Graham

I’ve always wanted to read this book. I’m intrigued by the biographies of well-known evangelical leaders.This book gave me a newfound appreciation for God’s work in his life. I’m amazed at how God took the son of a dairy farmer and used him to bring millions to Christ, influence world leaders, and help usher in this era of evangelicalism.

The God Who Is There by D.A. Carson

This is a great book for those who wonder how the Old Testament fits into the New. Carson clearly presents the “one big storyline” of the Bible.

The Next Story by Tim Challies

 I highly recommend this book for those who live and work in the digital world. I suspect it will be a texbook in Christian colleges. 

Dug Down Deep by Josh Harris

This may be the most readable book on doctrine available. It’s at times funny, honest, and personal. I would highly recommend it.

Spiritual Rhythm by Mark Buchanan

 I find myself soaking this book in a chapter or two at a time and then thinking deeply about each section. Mark talks biblically and with doctrinal precision about subjects such as sin, repentance, and the spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible reading, and church involvement.

Bloodlines by John Piper

 This is a brave and important book, tackling head-first the issue of race.

Lions of Kandahar by Rusty Bradley and Kevin Maurer

For someone who knows little about military lingo or strategy, this book was a delightful read. The authors were explanatory of situations, protocol, weapons, etc. It gave me such an appreciation for the men and women who risk their lives in places like Afganistan.

Deliver Me From Evil by Kathi Macias

Reading Deliver Me From Evil gave me a disturbing, up-close look at the horrific problem of human trafficking. Kathi Macias weaves a story of a young girl who was kidnapped from her San Diego area home and forced into sexual slavery; a girl in the Golden Triangle in Thailand. In this novel, Kathi shares the awful exploitation of young girls in excruciating, but appropriate detail. These are girls whose innocence and freedom and self-worth are bought and sold to the highest bidder by the most evil of men.

 Honorable Mentions:
These books were as great as the other ten, so I wanted to put them here:
Work Matters by Tom Nelson
Earthen Vessels by Matthew Lee Anderson
King Solomon by Phillip Ryken
A God-Sized Vision by Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge
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