Thirst No More – New Devo for 2012

My good friend, Dillon Burroughs has a brand-new 1-year devotional out entitled, Thirst No More. Now is a great time to start shopping for a devotional for 2012 and Dillon’s looks like a terrific one for the coming year. I had the privilege of endorsing it:

“Dillon Burroughs provides a cup of cool water to those longing for deep satisfaction for their souls.”

Dr. Erwin Lutzer of Moody Church wrote this:

“This devotional provides seed thoughts for reading the Scripture so that all of us can find guidance and light for each day. Best of all, you can share your insights with others who participate in this journey along with you!”

Below you will find an interview with Dillon about this book. He’s also offered to give away five books to the first five people to comment on this post. If you’re one of the first five, I will contact you via email.

1. Explain the concept behind Thirst No More. What makes it unique?

There are many devotionals, but I called this a missional devotional. This book serves not only to inspire but to create awareness regarding the clean water crisis in our world. Some of its pages are dedicated to Living Water International, a Christian organization that provides clean water wells in developing nations. A portion of proceeds are being donated to their work as well.

2. You suggest Thirst No More is not only missional, but also interactive. How does this interactive element work?

I’ve always enjoyed devotional books, but miss talking with others who are growing from the same material. “Thrist No More” has a dedicated domain at where readers can access the Facebook page from their computer, iPad, or phone to share their thoughts on each day’s entry. Readers from all around the world can interact with each other, and with me, in the process of growing spiritually.

3. What will readers find in Thirst No More.?

There is a one page entry for each day of the year. The focus is on the message of the four gospels, with each entry highlighting one verse. Ideally, a person will read the verse and devotion, then reflect in community online with others. In the end, the message of Christ will do the work to transform us more into his image.

4. So could readers use Thirst No More. in a group setting, too?

Of course! Online is great, but in person is even better. In fact, the purchase of just five books is enough to provide clean water for one person for the next five years. You can be changed as a group and change the lives of others in the process.

5. Speaking of changing the lives of others, what was it that focused your interest to help with clean water efforts?

After three trips to Haiti, I’ve realized one of the biggest ways to help is to provide clean water. Living Water International serves in Haiti and several other nations to do just that, all in an efforts to show Christ’s love. If Jesus promises to give rewards to those who give one cup of water to one of his children, imagine how important he takes our efforts to provide water on a larger scale?

6. You dedicate Thirst No More. to your dad. What was the story behind this?

My dad passed away after a long bout with cancer at the age of 49. He never lived to see my published works, yet he was the one who helped me learned to read and write in the process. The least I could do was share his story and honor him along with my heavenly Father in this book.

7. How has Thirst No More. changed you personally?

I spent weeks focused on the gospels and God’s presence while writing the words in “Thirst No More.” I found myself praying, fasting, weeping, smiling, singing, and enjoying the Lord’s presence in a profound way as I typed each word. If my readers experience even a fraction of what I did in writing it, the effort will have been worth it.

8. What’s the next project for you?

My hope is to continue my efforts to write inspiration materials that serve a cause. For example, WorldCrafts is an organization affiliated with my publisher that provides sustainable living for artisans around the world. I’m in the works now to do something to promote their efforts and not only meet a need, but help others help themselves through a vocation with a mission. I’m also continuing my collaborative work with other writers, which allows me to influence many, often behind the scenes, with the abilities God has given me.





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