Books I’m Reading (10/29/11)

I’m about to turn in my manuscript which means more time for reading. Here’s what I’ve got on my nightstand:

Walking in the Spirit – Kenneth Berding. I’m halfway thru this book. It’s a terrific and practical guide to what exactly it looks like to walk in the spirt. I’m thinking I’ll order this as a resource for Gages Lake.

Earthen Vessels – Matthew Anderson. Matt is the brilliant blogger from Mere Orthodoxy. I haven’t cracked this one open yet, but I can’t wait. He seems to tackle a lot of important subjects related to the body and the Bible.

Jonathan Edwards, a Life – George Mardsen. I started reading this, then other books overtook it and writing and life overtook it. But I will finish it. It’s a good book, but one that requires a bit more discipline.

Deliver Me From Evil. – This is a novel in the “missional fiction” line written by my good friend, Kathi Macias. It deals with immigration, human trafficking and other ills. I’m eagerly awaiting this as well.

Bloodlines – John Piper – This is Piper’s latest work, perhaps his most important, an exhaustive book on race relations and the gospel. I have the feeling it will be a classic and a book I pray will stretch me.

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