The Gospel Isn’t This Hard

I’m amazed at the conversations that Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins is provoking in the mainstream media environment. I think Bell’s book is tragic for a variety of reasons, articulated most thoughtfully, in my view by Kevin DeYoung. But, I’m amazed at how gospel-centered questions are being asked in environments not normally reserved for these kinds of discussions.

Recently Rob Bell did an interview with Martin Brashear of MSNBC. The questions Brashear asks are good ones. Great lines of questioning. Sadly, the answers Bell gives make the gospel less clear. Compare this to Jesus response to Nicodemus’ very similar questions.

First Bell:


Now read Jesus words to Nicodemus in John 3.

I’m not sure if Brashear (the reporter) is a believer, but he demonstrates a more fundamental grasp of biblical theology than Bell. I think Bell missed a tragic opportunity to share the gospel to a large audience. Sad.

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