Great Reads on Heaven, Hell, and Universalism

I’ve been talking to quite a few pastors, both online and off, about the issue with Rob Bell, Love Wins, and the whole issue of universalism, hell, etc. Some are lamenting this as a unnecessary controversy in the body of Christ, but I view this as a great opportunity to discuss some basic Christian doctrines. Some will use this as an opportunity for greater hand-wringing about the state of the church. I’m actually optimistic, that the evangelical church today by and large still rises up and boldly affirms the doctrines of salvation and eternal judgment, because we love God and we love the lost.

I also think pastors have a responsibility to communicate these doctrines to the church, not simply to refute, but also to teach new generations the “old paths,” to bring fresh awareness to the gospel message, so that we’re equipped to live for God in this day.

Some who haven’t been following the story have asked me for links to some of the best articles, etc. So I thought I’d provide them here:

Kevin DeYoung’s thorough, 20 page review of Love Wins

Tim Challies review of Love Wins.

Russell Moore’s review of Love Wins

Randy Alcorn’s chapter on Hell.

Southern Seminary’s roundtable on Love Wins and universalism

Martin Bashir’s interview with Rob Bell on the nature of his book, Love Wins

Paul Edward’s radio interview with Martin Bashir

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