10 Digital Resolutions for the New Year

The real impact of social networking while at workphoto © 2009 Robert S. Donovan | more info (via: Wylio)

iFaith, Connecting to God in the 21st CenturyI have been a tech junkie ever since my dad came home with one of the very first personal computers— the TI-99 4A. I consider myself a charter member of “the connected generation.” I’ve always known life to be lived at warped speed and on demand.

Today, I own an iPhone, a Macbook Pro, and love my DVR. I’m an avid reader of blogs, I download quite a few podcasts, and I use Twitter as my primary news source.

Not to mention Facebook, email, and texting.

But as I game-plan my life for 2011, I’m asking myself a tough question: Is technology enhancing or diminishing my relationship with God?

This is the central question of iFaith: Connecting to God in the 21st Century, releasing this January from New Hope Publishers.

I’m inviting you to ask yourself the same question.

It’s not that we should stop employing technology. I’m not even sure we need to slow down. But how can we create effective boundaries so that we’re using these tools to our advantage, rather than letting them isolate us from what is most important: God and people.

So, this year I’ve come up with 10 digital resolutions for myself. (Click here to download the free “10 Digital Resolutions” Tipsheet)

This is the best I can do. Your list may look different:

1. I resolve to set my smart phone down when I walk in the door every night. Because my spouse and my kids deserve my full attention.

2.  I resolve to not check Twitter, Facebook, text messages, email, or anything on my phone when I’m eating dinner with my family.

3. I resolve to have real dates with my wife, not dates where I’m doing work-related stuff.

4. I resolve to take time to shut down digitally and spend more uninterrupted time with God in His Word and in prayer. I will use digital tools only if they enhance my quiet moments.

5.  I resolve to invest more in personal relationships through meetings and phone calls.

6.  I resolve to become in person what I project myself to be publicly.

7. I resolve to read more, surf less, and seek growth in areas where I am weak.

8.  I resolve to exercise more.

9. I resolve to speak with more grace and less snark in every conversation, chat, Facebook post, tweet, text, email, and


10. I resolve to use my digital platform to build up God’s kingdom through encouragement, teaching, and love.

Explore more about the connection between faith and tech, check out iFaith, Connecting to God in the 21st Century

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