Win a Free Autographed Copy of iFaith

iFaith, Connecting to God in the 21st CenturyInterested in a free autographed copy of iFaith? I’m going to give 5 free copies away, but with a few conditions:

1) You must first download the free first chapter of iFaith here and then comment on this blog post that has the free chapter.

2) Agree to write a review on, Barnes and and Also, post a review on your blog (a blog that must be a regularly updated blog) and send at least two links to your review from your social networks (Facebook/Twitter, preferrably).

3) You can’t be blogger that I’ve already contacted or is on my list of folks who have interviewed/blogged about my previous books. You can’t be someone who has ever received a review copy of any of my books previously.

4) Promise to pass the book along to a a key influencer (pastor, youth pastor, small group leader, home bible study leader, media personality, blogger, etc)

5) Contact me with an itemized email of the above once you’ve finished.

So, if you’re willing to do this, I’d like to send you a book. The way to get started? Step 1 – Download the free first chapter, comment on that blog post and you’re book will be on its way.

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