Four Ways to Move Ahead in 2011

Yesterday at Gages Lake Bible Church, I preached my last sermons of 2010. Like I always do at this time of year, I reflected on the past year, but also urged the congregation (and myself, of course), to move forward. Can’t change a thing about 2010, but we can determine, in many ways, the success of 2011. I closed with these four points on moving forward:

1) Recognize God’s Hand in Your Story. You are not here alone. There is a God directing your life, the good, the bad, the ugly. The sooner your recognize that and bow to the sovereignty of God, the sooner you’ll find peace.

2) Realize You’re Role in Rewriting Your Story. You can’t help what happens to you. You can’t help the hardship and trials that await you in 2011. But you can control how you react. Will you live in the past? Or will you move forward. Will you forgive as Christ forgives or will you keep a record of wrongs? Will you rest on your successes or will you challenge yourself ot learn and grow more. Spirituality doesn’t come by osmosis.

3) You’re Next Decision is Your Most Important One You can’t erase your past choices. But you can determine your future ones. What you’ve done up until now is great, but what you do next is more important. Will you determine to be faithful ahead of time?

4) Start fresh by serving others. Who will you invest in in 2011? What people’s lives will change? Determine now to give your life away in 2011. God created you to live on purpose and for a purpose. Don’t live in smallness. Live big. Live wide open. Live for others.

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