
I wanted to share info about my latest book, to be released January of 2011. Unlike my previous two books, Crash Course and Teen People of the Bible, which were written to teens, iFaith is written to adults of my generation.

This book was born out of my own journey of faith, a journey that continues today. I really poured my heart and soul on every page and I feel it is my best writing ever. That may not mean it is any good, but it is the best I can do, so far.

I owed a great deal to bestselling author, Cecil Murphey who really believed in this project and mentored me through the first drafts. He helped kick my writing up several notches.

I dedicated this book to one of my best friends, pastor Bill Swanger, who has been a mentor, a lifeline, a true friend. His insights on pastoral ministry have guided me. I truly do love this man.

Okay, on to the book info:

iFaith, Connecting to God in the 21st Century

iFaith, Connecting with God in the 21st Century – Fall of 2011 by New Hope Publishers

Available to Pre-Order Here

From the Book Jacket:

We’re a generation raised on instant: Instant formula. Disposable diapers. Satellite TV. GPS navigation. Online check-in. Automatic everything. We’re always plugged in and wired. We’re accustomed to having answers at the snap of our fingers. We’re used to being in control. How does this affect our communication with God? This is the question iFaith seeks to answer. What has life at warp speed done to our souls? Has faith been replaced with a false sense of security? Has the digital and technological revolution made us more impatient with the God who delights in making His people wait? iFaith is a unique look at prayer and faith in the twenty-first century, calling us back to a place of rest and silence and peace with God.

“Daniel Darling is a serious young man of faith, worthy of a careful reading.”

Jerry B. Jenkins, bestselling author of 175 books, including the 700,000,000 selling Left Behind series.

“If you’ve ever wondered where prayer fits in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing digital world, iFaith has the answer. Using phrases common to Facebook, iPhone and instant messaging, Daniel Darling shows us how practical prayer can be in the 21st-century. Reading this book can reboot your prayer life and open a high-speed connection with God.”

Dr. Ray Pritchard, President, Keep Believing Ministries, Author, An Anchor for the Soul, Man of Honor, The ABCs of Wisdom

“Many question whether the ancient truths of Christianity connect with the instant expectations of postmodern culture. Darling answers with both a biblical and applicable approach for those in doubt. iFaith is the perfect response for the digital generation. Read it, live it, and forward it to a friend!”

-Dillon Burroughs, professor and bestselling author of What Can Be Found in LOST

“If I had written an appropriate endorsement for an earlier generation, I would have used words like super, groovy, neat, and perhaps even it rocks. Dan Darling hits exactly the right tone for this generation; therefore, I’d say it’s awesome and so there.”

—Cecil Murphey is the author or co-author or co-author of more than 100 books, including 90 Minutes in Heaven (with Don Piper) and Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story.

“If you want to connect more deeply to God, read IFaith. Daniel deftly weaves heartfelt stories with the struggles biblical characters faced as he challenges the reader to a deeper spiritual life. As an added bonus, each chapter includes fresh insight and practical pointers that will enrich your walk with Christ.”

—Charles Stone, Senior Pastor, Ginger Creek Community Church, Aurora, IL, author of 5 Ministry Killers

iFaith is not a normal book and Daniel Darling is not a normal author. He has written a clever, meaty, biblical and practical manual for living with Jesus day by day. The Internet is all about connections, and this book is all about connecting with God in the 21st century. How do iPhones, email, Facebook and Google inform and shape our faith? How can we cling to old-time Christianity while embracing increasingly powerful technology?  This is not just a book you’ll read and put down. It’s a book you’ll mull over and share with friends. It’s also a perfect resource for small groups or Sunday School classes. Through this book, you’ll not only see Jesus formed more deeply in you, you might even discover him smiling back at you in your text messages and Facebook posts.

—Bill Giovannetti, pastor, author of How to Keep Your Inner Mess from Trashing Your Outer World, and professor at A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary.

My generation is so good at creating an app for that, which our hearts desire. Not so much for connecting with God. That’s why I believe iFaith: Connecting With God in the 21st Century a must read for those figuring out God, Google, and Grace.

-Renee Johnson, Devotional Diva™ spirited speaker and writer to the 20-somethings. Author of “Faithbook of Jesus” and creator of Throw Mountains a revolution for young adults.

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