It is Well With My Soul

After sharing with his disciples the news of his upcoming arrest and death, the betrayal one of the twelve, and the denial of their spokesman, leader, and friend, Peter, Jesus shared these simple words, “Let not your heart be troubled.”

How is that possible when they’re world was turning upside-down? Jesus shared with them a glimpse of what was in store for his disciples in eternity. Sure, this life, this journey would be hard, full of pain, and rife with disappointments and betrayal. But there is a Heaven that awaited them. And not just some glorious banquet hall in the sky, but Jesus said, “I have prepared a place for you.” It was personal. It was uniquely designed for them. And, best of all, Jesus would come back and bring them home.

This is a nugget from my message on Sunday from John 14:1-3. It so happened that this dovetailed with Memorial Day. It was as if God was speaking to our own fears here in America. Unemployment, sickness, many large, national problems, a culture that embraces anything but Biblical Christianity. We have many reasons to fear. And yet, God has given us great hope. We’re not home yet. He has a place for us. And we can still our troubled hearts with the knowledge of God’s sovereignty and of Christ’s defeat of sin and death and evil on the cross.

This rendition of “It is Well” by the Isaacs really says it all: