Book Review – 5 Ministry Killers by Dr. Charles Stone

What if you could give a pastor truth serum and ask him what ministry is really like? Behind the plastered-on smile and steady handshake are often men of God who struggle with depression, burnout, disappointment, and sin.

And yet, God continues to call ordinary men to the most extraordinary position as shepherd of God’s people. As a young and learning pastor myself, I’m humbled by the opportunity to stand in God’s place and speak the Word to His people. What a holy, humble, and high calling.

One of my good friends in ministry, Dr. Charles Stone, has written a powerful new book, 5 Ministry Killers. Charles rips the mask off of the ministry and reveals the heart of what it is like to be a pastor, going in depth into five areas that rob the joy and steal the fruit of a pastor’s ministry.

Stone compiles research from respected evangelical polling centers such as Lifeway Research, Barna, and Christianity Today. He combs through the research and layers it with his own personal experience—20 plus years in the ministry.

Rarely have I read a pastor so willingly vulnerable, eager to share his struggles and how God has carried him through.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. At time the research arrested my attention. Other times I was forced to close the book and reflect and pray over my own flawed motivations. And the entire time I was challenged and strengthened by the book’s humble wisdom.

I highly recommend 5 Ministry Killers to any pastor, whether you’re like me and you’ve been in the pulpit only 2 years or you’re a grizzled veteran of church life. And you don’t have to be a pastor to benefit. I highly recommend church boards and key lay leadership read 5 Ministry Killers.

Kudos to my friend, Dr. Charles Stone, for a well-written, well-researched, and well-lived book.

Note: Click here to read a Friday Five interview with Dr. Stone that will officially post on June 18th.